• Member Since 11th May, 2013


The Barcast Podcast Host. I also go by the name Milk. I like to read, I proof read and edit, and I drink. A lot.

Favourites 1055 stories
Found 986 stories in 72ms

Total Words: 12,796,504
Estimated Reading: 5 weeks



  • Featured 23573 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

Anon's caught the scent of controversy on the wind. To prevent a whisper campaign, he rents out the town square to conduct a free and open exchange of ideas.

This goes as well as one could expect.

Cover art by Nobody

Inspired by anonpencil so you know it's gonna get weird

Chapters (1)

Enigmatic Equus is the premiere magazine dedicated to all things strange, paranormal, and supernatural. Written by Bizarre Symbols, the magazine takes aim at all sorts of things mysterious. This is issue #2,021 and is a special one as it not only contains a whole 50 new mysteries ready to be looked into, but is free! So come along and take a deep dive into the world of the fortean, dear reader!

Meanwhile, outside the pages of the magazine, a magazine writer struggles with his work.

Chapters (3)

A doggo winds up in Equestria. Lucky for him, he runs into some very friendly four legged birbs who can set him back on his path to his hooman.

Contains: Doggo Talk, Profanity, Thinly Veiled Subplots, and Marking Doggo Territory

Chapters (1)

Melody Heart writes a letter to her children, Snow Heart and Frost Heart, telling her daughters her story, her struggles, and how through it all, she found love.
Note for tag: Implied "psuedo" rape. There is no actual rape in this. Just a close call.

This story is my first "Oc" only story.
Melody Heart and Train Tracks are the parents of my main Oc Snow Heart, and I really wanted to write a story about them to show their bond, this story wouldn't have been possible if not for the help of these wonderful people.
Milk: https://www.fimfiction.net/user/111082/Milk_Barcast
Xeno: https://www.fimfiction.net/user/334323/Xenophilius+Kunandra

Cover art by: Little Tigress.https://www.fimfiction.net/user/228967/Little+Tigress

I love you all. <3
Go stalk these amazing people for without them you wouldn't have a story to read!

Chapters (1)

Love is on short supply in the hive. Tensions are running high. Love is more than food. It's what makes life worth living.

Warning: involves drug injection and implied rape

Edited with help from Seventh Heaven, mikesnipe

Chapters (1)

Twilight is planning a party for Equestria's latest residency anniversary! Rainbow Dash has one little problem with it though. The Beer.

Preread and Edited with help from: anonpencil, Mikesnipe, Flammenwerfer, Freglz,

An entry for the Fimfiction Feghoot Festival

Reading by FireRain

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to A Lapse of Reason

After a troublesome Wonderbolts reunion, Fleetfoot returns home to demand some stress relief.

But sometimes what we want isn't always what we need.

Inspired by Sunset by P-Berry.
Edited by PeerImagination.
Original art by RenoKim.

Chapters (1)

It's not something Anon thinks about a lot but one tough day in school is enough to bring up a question that's been bothering him for awhile.

(Thanks to PeerImagination for editing!)
Art by Nobody

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to You Are Sick

Sometimes it's late at night, and you can't sleep. Sometimes you just stare at the ceiling and imagine what it would be like if you weren't here anymore, how the world would be different. Sometimes it seems like the world wouldn't even be worse off without you around, and that you might be better off without it.
But those are only idle musings and thoughts. It's not like you actually wish you were dead...

Warning: Contains depression and suggestions of suicidal/self-destructive thoughts. No actual death or physical self harm takes place. Please don't read this if you're feeling depressed or suicidal, I don't think this would help.

This is a stream of consciousness from the point of view of Berry Punch from the Broken Love series. Can act as a standalone.
Please don't worry. I'm ok.

Chapters (1)

Raven is the freshly minted secretary to Princess Celestia. After plenty of harrowing experience under the Princess, Raven thinks she finally understands the job. But the unexpected strikes: an insular race of crazy foxes make a surprise visit to the castle! Can Raven make it through the day in one piece? Can she keep up with the manic immortal alicorn? And above all...

Can she keep it professional? She is, after all, the secretary.


Thanks to Alex_ And Mike!

An entry for some funny guy and his funny stories.

Chapters (1)